Out of my 'zone'

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

"Mind the Gap between the brain and forehead!"

The next thing we did after checking out our temporary home was to investigate transportation. Our closest tube station (Finchly Road) was only a walk down the road from the Lodge. We purchased our week long passes (£22 my biggest expense of the week!) and explored a few of the lines. Directly connected to Jubilee line, we made a few quick stops at London Bridge and around town.
I couldn't believe how much I remembered from my last trip in London. Erica and I were the underground Queens!
Erin and Anna got on quite well, keeping me in order when I got carried away listening to the buskers and wandering off in the wrong direction!
The three main things I wanted to investigate in London were Tate Modern, Hyde Park and another show in West end. It turned out that we did alot of aimless wandering in London. This was good as we were scooting around quite a bit on the Underground and were getting somewhat lazy. As you can see in the image to the right, Erin and I have almost developed that disinterested stare that locals get while in transport.
You know you are a true Londoner when you can fall asleep and magically awake at your stop!


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